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Our Guarantee

Your complete satisfaction is our top priority. We take great care to ensure the highest quality products at affordable prices. Should there be any quality issues with your printed job, please contact us and we will issue a free reprint if we can.

Despite our best efforts, certain factors are beyond our control, and unfortunately cannot be covered by our customer satisfaction guarantee:

  • Spelling errors made by customers when entering order information.
  • Low resolution or bad quality files provided by the customer.
  • Errors introduced by the customer in the artwork design process.
  • Jugement calls in regards to the design process (choice of colour, size of font, colour contrast...).
  • Acceptable tolerance of equipment or process (ex. : cutting tolerance or alignment of debossing).
  • Shipping and turnaround delays caused by bad weather, mechanical failure ot technical issues.

We reserve the right to have the client return the original order before reprinting an order. Reprints must be requested within 30 days of delivery of defect orders.

We strongly recommend that you review the top 10 printing problems to avoid any problems with your order.
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